Groblje Gornja Drenova

Rijeka, Primorje-Gorski Kotar, Primorje-Gorski Kotar, Croatia


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In the woods, not far from Rijeka, there is the old cemetery Gornja Drenova. Like most suburban cemeteries, it is located in a dolce, a shallow sinkhole, in a rocky area, surrounded by mostly deciduous forests and cypress plantations. This cemetery was intended for a smaller local community and is far from the settlement. At the entrance to the cemetery there is a morgue, ie a funeral chapel. The cemetery is surrounded by a low wall with an entrance with an iron door, and above them is a portal flat beam with the inscription - Eternal Peace, and the year of the cemetery - 1940 there are no artistically valuable monuments. The tombs are located on two levels. The central burial field is at a lower level, at the bottom of the sinkhole. In the middle of that field is a slightly wider alley bordered by a cypress plantation. At the right end of the alley is the central cemetery stone cross, and at the left is a larger, simple cubic stone monument to the soldiers who fell in the battles for the unification of Rijeka with Istria in 1945.
Groblje Gornja Drenova, Created by Lee, Rijeka, Primorje-Gorski Kotar, Primorje-Gorski Kotar, Croatia